Mobile marketing is considered as one of the great assets that can be used for marketing. Since almost all people have mobile devices at hand, you can take advantage of this trend. However, you need to do it right to get the optimal result.


Here are some tips to get your mobile marketing right the first time:


  • Timing is everything

Indeed, perfect timing is one of the factors you need to consider to achieve mobile marketing success. And we are not just talking about the time when the SMS campaign should be launched. As a marketer, you should know how to spot a trend or a need and use it to your advantage. For example, based on your trend monitoring there is a demand for your product. This is the perfect time to launch a mobile campaign to take advantage of the situation. Which why you need to be on your toes and have a trusted company that provides SMS marketing in UAE to help you launch a campaign upon request.


  • Avoid spamming at all cost

Spamming is an old trick to bombard target audience to drive information. Unfortunately, this is not working anymore. With the audience having to deal with lots of messages, they need don’t need to reminded constantly about the brand. Marketers should be able to strike a balance between sending a primary message and a follow up. Be sure to give your target audience a breathing space to decide on whether they want take action to what you are offering to them.


  • Present relevant value

Apart from spamming, one thing that irks the costumers is text messages that present no value to them. Marketers should prevent texting nonsense messages that can lead the target audience to blocking you permanently. Always think of the takeaways and put yourself in the shoes of your target audience. What do they get from taking action to your SMS? What reward would make them respond? You may want to revisit your brand persona and target audience profile to know what makes your segment tick and take action.


  • Complete but concise

Although there are limitations in terms of crafting a message, there is no excuse for you to provide incomplete message to your target audience. Not only it is a waste of money but it can also send a wrong message to your target audience. If you are not sure how to squeeze everything in one message, hire a copywriter that can do this for you.


  • Do not forget to measure

Campaign measurement should be done not only at the end of the campaign, but you should do this right from the start. The ideal test run for this campaign is one week and make some tweaks and changes along the way to know what setting would be the most effective to reach your goal. There are companies that offer bulk SMS in UAE that is equipped with a monitoring system to help marketers gauge their campaign.